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PHP eksempler

Du kan finde en liste over tilgængelige endpoints her.

Brug af cURL

Eksempel på hvordan der søges på et CVR nummer. Husk at indsætte din licensekey og userid

// Define EAN API URL
$eanapi_url = 'https://eanapi.dk/v5/public/api/search/';

// Endpoint 'CVR'
$endpoint = 'cvr';

// Query for the CVR number '38584758'
$query = '38584758';

// Define licensekey and userid
$parameters = array(
    'licensekey' => 'INSERT_LICENSE_KEY',
    'userid' => 'INSERT_USER_ID',

// Build the URL for EAN API from the above variables
$query_url = $eanapi_url . $endpoint . '/' . $query . '?' . http_build_query( $parameters );

// Initialize cURL
$ch = curl_init();

// Define the URL to call
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $query_url );

// Let cURL know to return the JSON response
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true ); 

// Run the cURL
$response = curl_exec( $ch );

// Close cURL handler

Brug af fopen / file_get_contents

// Define EAN API URL
$eanapi_url = 'https://eanapi.dk/v5/public/api/search/';

// Endpoint 'CVR'
$endpoint = 'cvr';

// Query for the CVR number '38584758'
$query = '38584758';

// Define licensekey and userid
$parameters = array(
    'licensekey' => 'INSERT_LICENSE_KEY',
    'userid' => 'INSERT_USER_ID',

// Build the URL for EAN API from the above variables
$query_url = $eanapi_url . $endpoint . '/' . $query . '?' . http_build_query( $parameters );

// Return the response
$response = file_get_contents( $query_url );

Brug af wp_remote_get (WordPress)

// Define EAN API URL
$eanapi_url = 'https://eanapi.dk/v5/public/api/search/';

// Endpoint 'CVR'
$endpoint = 'cvr';

// Query for the CVR number '38584758'
$query = '38584758';

// Define licensekey and userid
$parameters = array(
    'licensekey' => 'INSERT_LICENSE_KEY',
    'userid' => 'INSERT_USER_ID',

// Build the URL for EAN API from the above variables
$query_url = $eanapi_url . $endpoint . '/' . $query . '?' . http_build_query( $parameters );

// Return the response
$response = wp_remote_get( $query_url );

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